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On the 6th of March a community activation event was held at Daku Kwazakhele township in the EC province  collaborating with SA Red Cross Societies: Eastern Cape provincial office and Department of Transport Eastern Cape province and RTMC, supported by Michelin foundation. The event was attended by community members including 20 learners from Masibambane High School

Sinesipho Ngcezula a student from the Nelson Mandela University shared a testimony on the impact of the project and and how lives of students and community members have been changed by the project “more than  500 people were reached and 70% of people reached were either learner drivers or licensed drivers’’

Sinesipho explained that several people targeted earlier in the year during outreaches approached Youth Road Safety Ambssadors during their activities to thank them for what they learnt during their sessions and monthly events and how it has impacted them to think more on road safety issues. “Some admitted that they have changed their behaviour to be conscious of the risk of accidents.”

Learners and community members received branded back bags from Michelin SA and  road safety reflector jackets  from The South African transport lead agency (RTMC) . 

The ambassadors, RSP South Africa and other stakeholders directly interacted with the community, motorists, pedestrians and the taxi drivers.

The interaction involved few minutes talks /tips on road safety  and handout of road safety information packs.

This is indeed a worthy social educational investment in terms of road safety education and community empowerment


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