RSP ZA Vision
A South Africa free of road crash death and injury
RSP ZA Mission
The RSP ZA is committed to reducing road crash related fatalities and injuries in partnership
with all sectors.
RSP ZA Objectives
- To broker partnerships between business, civil society and government agencies that are
dedicated to the sustainable reduction of death and injury on South Africa's roads.
- To support programme that provide road safety education to learners and communities
that are in the proximity of hazardous road hotspots.
- To support communities that are in the proximity of hazardous road hotspots by advising
stakeholders on how to take ownership and responsibility for their communities' safety on the
- To support law enforcement by aligning our members' programmes with the enforcement
initiatives in the government's National Road Safety Strategy.
- To work with and share knowledge with other countries.
- To adapt international road safety best practice.
Our Purpose
To mobilise resources from government business and civil society to support the development
and implementation of the National Road Safety Strategy and action plan.